Love Creek Elementary School The Love Creek Elementary School is an elementary school located on 25.26 acres of land, designed to accommodate over 720 students. Davis, Bowen & [...]
Salisbury University Athletic Complex (East Campus)
DBF2023-01-04T16:15:39-05:00Salisbury University Athletic Complex (East Campus) Salisbury University (SU), built a new $19 million, 30,000 SF stadium along with a brand-new state-of-the art artificial tu [...]
Woodbrooke Medical Complex
DBF2023-01-04T16:16:41-05:00Woodbrooke Medical Complex The Woodbrooke Medical Complex consists of several medical office buildings including, but not limited to, Peninsula Imaging Center, Peninsula Ortho [...]
King Street Water Treatment Facility
DBF2023-01-04T16:17:31-05:00King Street Water Treatment Facility The Town of Georgetown’s King Street Water Treatment Facility began finding tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in their raw well water samples. Al [...]
Mispillion Riverwalk Park & Streetscape
DBF2023-01-04T16:18:56-05:00Mispillion Riverwalk Park & Streetscape Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. (DBF), provided comprehensive design and administrative services on behalf of the City of Milford, [...]