Minimizing the Impact
With more than four decades of shoreline and waterway coastal engineering experience, Davis, Bowen & Friedel is well-versed in coastal planning, design and engineering. Our team of coastal experts have specialized knowledge and understanding of coastal systems, particularly those across the Chesapeake Bay, Mid-Atlantic Coast, Delaware Bay and New England regions.
Minimizing the Impact
With more than four decades of shoreline and waterway coastal engineering experience, Davis, Bowen & Friedel is well-versed in coastal planning, design and engineering. Our team of coastal experts have specialized knowledge and understanding of coastal systems, particularly those across the Chesapeake Bay, Mid-Atlantic Coast, Delaware Bay and New England regions.
With more than 40 years of shoreline and waterway coastal engineering experience, our engineers are well-versed in marine planning, design, engineering and economic investigations. We offer services ranging from reconnaissance investigations and feasibility studies, to preliminary and final design, preparation of plans and specifications, permitting, bidding assistance and construction management.
Our coastal team has the tools, knowledge and experience to deliver innovative solutions that protect our coastal communities and vulnerable ecosystems. By implementing critical resiliency strategies, we can minimize coastal hazards.
Through many successful projects performed over the years, our team has developed a uniquely recognized process and crafted an impeccable rapport with our public and private clients. Coastal engineering projects have been completed for the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Maryland and Delaware Department of Natural Resources, Baltimore District Corps of Engineers, as well as numerous towns, counties, developers and private owners.

Shoreline Assessment/Stabilization
Dredging & Dredge Material Containment
Ecosystem Restoration
Marinas, Harbors & Boat Ramps
Storm Damage Reduction
Beach Nourishment
Disaster Planning, Mitigation & Response
Living Shorelines
Groins, Jetties & Breakwaters
Bulkheads, Docks, & Piers
Protection/Restoration of Habitat
- Shoreline Assessment/Stabilization
- Dredging & Dredge Material Containment
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Marinas, Harbors & Boat Ramps
- Storm Damage Reduction
- Beach Nourishment
- Living Shorelines
- Revetments
- Groins, Jetties & Breakwaters
- Bulkheads, Docks, & Piers
- Disaster Planning, Mitigation & Response
- Protection/Restoration of Habitat
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